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Sierra Leone Embassy in Beijing Hands Over Funds to Students’ Union PRC

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  5. Sierra Leone Embassy in Beijing Hands Over Funds to Students’ Union PRC

Beijing, China – In a ceremonial event held at the Sierra Leone Embassy VIP room in the Sierra Leone Embassy in Beijing; H.E. Ambassador Abu Bakarr Karim handed over the sum of $10,500 to the Sierra Leone Students’ Union Executive. This money comes from the annual dues deducted from the government-paid allowances in accordance with the students’ constitution.

In presenting the funds on behalf of the embassy, Ambassador Karim commended the Executive for their efficient scheduling of the yearly student convention, through which they elect their executive members. He thanked the staff for their diligent efforts throughout the process and reiterated his commitment to keeping the finances of the student body transparent and autonomous. He emphasized that this handover was part of his promise to ensure that the Embassy does not interfere with the finances of the students.


Deputy Ambassador Saffa-Woya Rogers echoed this sentiment, highlighting the importance of the union’s role in maintaining the unity of Sierra Leonean students in China. He affirmed that it is the joint responsibility of the union and the Embassy staff to ensure the union’s continued existence and effectiveness.

Upon receiving the funds, the President of the Union, Lovel Fornah, expressed his gratitude, noting that this was the largest dues contribution the union had ever received. He praised Ambassador Karim for ensuring a transparent process and assured that the funds would be utilized for the benefit of the student body.


The event was attended by key members of the Embassy, including the Ambassador, Deputy Ambassador, Head of Chancery, Financial Attaché, Second Secretary, and Information Department, as well as a cross-section of the Students’ Union Executive, including the President, Secretary General, and Financial Secretary. The ceremony concluded with the signing of the handover by the executive members present.